It is ridiculous for a
person like me to write about the racial divide in our country. Part of me says
be quiet white woman who lives in white Boise, Idaho and has no point of
reference for what is happening in Ferguson. But there exists that other part of
me who woke up this morning and read the news and read comment after comment on
Twitter from people who are living the fear and pain of this racial divide that
is real in our country.
What spilled onto my prayer journal afterwards were these words:
How can I be a helper of
change in this? There is so much history and blame. I am so removed from it and
yet it hurts. I pray humility in us all. We will never care enough about the
pain of others until we let humility live in us, because it is only in humility
that we get outside ourselves and let go of our self focus long enough to see
the pain of another. And especially to see the pain of another who looks
different than us.
That is all I have. Just a very real desire to see each
person as God sees them. Could we all do that? Could we all just look at each
other and see each person as loved, as worth dying for. Because that person
you’re spewing hate towards - Jesus died for him. Jesus died for her.