Perhaps blinders would be a good solution to the crazy that
swirls around us every day. I wonder how we stay focused on anything when the
crazy of this world threatens at every moment to derail us from our goals.
Certainly, the crazy is very good at keeping us from knowing what our purpose
in life is.
For many years I knew my purpose was to raise a son and
daughter who loved God and loved others. I've done my best to - in the words of Jen
Hatmaker – “over love and over value” my children their entire lives. I unabashedly
affirm this way of parenting, because why ever would we want our children to
feel anything less then absolutely and completely loved and valued!
Then my children grew into amazing adults
and their dad and I were left on our own to figure out what our next purpose in
life might be. Well, it took God about a nano second to drop that purpose into
our laps, and I'm so grateful. I get to be every day friends with
Congolese refugees living in Boise. I get to love them and share my life, share my home, teach them to read, talk about God with them,
play games with them, teach a dozen kids how to swim, mentor the older ones
into college and just plain love them. It’s not complicated, but it is busy and
I do sleep well at night.
Still, every day life attempts to pull me off course. The
crazy of this world is constantly at war with what I know to be my
purpose. Sometimes I read the news or
scroll through Twitter or Facebook and I'm overwhelmed with a sense of
hopelessness. There is such hate, such poverty, such fear, such violence.
And if that weren’t enough, there is the ridiculousness that
is politics today. The truth no longer matters much. All that
matters is my opinion, and if I keep saying it often enough, you will start to
believe it. How fun. Except no.
Sometimes I sit in frustrated despair wondering what is the
point. Everything is so awful. People are so horrible to each other. Life is a
hamster wheel spinning and spinning and going nowhere. We are all so broken.
It is when the crazy threatens to overwhelm me, that I
remind myself to stay focused. Face forward, always moving
into my purpose. Do not be distracted by the crazy. This is what keeps me from being overwhelmed by the evil and stupidity this world daily throws
at us. I keep my eyes
on David and Simbi and Beatrice and Kamana and Justin and Celestin and James
and Fabrice and Gedeon and Giselle and so many, many others whose lives I can really change, whose lives I have seen change. I keep doing the
next thing. And then the next thing. And then the next thing.
And I carry on. Because I can change this world.