Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year, New Stuff

“Faith is not the clinging to a shrine. But an endless pilgrimage of the heart, audacious longing, burning songs, daring thoughts, impulse overwhelming the heart, usurping toward these are all a drive to love the one who rings our heart like a bell.” Few words are more beautiful to me than these by Jewish scholar Abraham Joshua Heschel. His words to embrace the newness in life, to view change as a gift, and be excited for what lies ahead are timely as we walk into a new year. Am I ready for what comes this year? Am I prepared to walk with Jesus into whatever challenges and blessings greet me?

Another favorite author writes, "The life of a Christian is never about sameness. It's always about change. That's why we must learn to survive and once again thrive when change involves heartbreaking loss. We're being conformed to the image of Christ. When our hearts are hemorrhaging with grief and loss, never forget that Christ binds and compresses them with a nail-scarred hand. Life will never be the same again, but I have the invitation from Christ to rise to a new life - a more compassionate life, a wise life, a more productive life. Sound impossible? It is without Christ." Beth Moore in her book Breaking Free.

Oh that each change I face this year would produce a more compassionate, wiser and more productive me. 

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. Numbers 6:24-25

1 comment:

  1. Great quotes and words of inspiration, Shawna. Happy new year.
