Yesterday Kevin, Rebecca and I joined The Vineyard Church in Feeding God’s Children. The Vineyard serves a meal to the homeless every Sunday in Julia Davis Park in downtown Boise. This was a first for us. We wanted to spend Easter, not focused on ourselves, but being a blessing. Our little family is incredibly blessed. We know this, and we spend pretty much every day of the year celebrating these blessings in our beautiful home, driving our comfortable car, while wearing new clothes, and eating plenty.
If you read my last post, Am I Really a Christian, you know I’ve been reading a lot of books recently that address what our role really is a followers of Christ. Well, with all that fresh in my mind, it just seemed more appropriate to be a blessing as we celebrated the resurrection of Christ.
Turns out we got it both ways.
We arrived at The Vineyard’s Barnabas Center and met Ben, the crew leader. We were a crew of newbies, as only three volunteers had helped before, but don’t worry everyone was fed eventually.
After loading the trailer, we drove to the park where a group of people was already waiting. Many of them came over to help unload the trailer and set up. Once the first table was put up, a line of about 80 men, women and children formed.
We were each assigned a task. Mine was to hand out the hamburger patties and hot dogs. Each person said thank you to me as they went through line. That was humbling. Most were happy to chat and nearly everyone said, “Happy Easter.”
My favorite part of the day was talking with our new friends like Ken and Lee. Ken was the first person over to help unload the trailer and was especially surprised that we would come help when we don’t attend The Vineyard Church. And Lee, well he was wearing an Army hat and I couldn’t resist telling him our son is in basic training. He then spent the rest our conversation asking about our son.
We really are all the same. We just want someone to listen to our story.
If you want to be really blessed, join the Vineyard on a Sunday afternoon. Maybe we’ll see you there.
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