Monday, June 24, 2013

When Your Daughter is the Teacher

Last month our sweet baby girl graduated from high school. We spent the month of May in a whirl of senior thesis defense, final exams, baccalaureate, senior breakfast, many, many parties and oh yes, graduation.
the sweet baby girl
and her family
At the baccalaureate service parents were asked to write a tribute to their graduate. Here is what I wrote:

Dear Sweet Girl - You know that question we get in women's Bible study sometimes, "Name the woman who has most influenced your life?" I know that question is meant to call to mind an older wiser woman, but for me that woman is you. From the three old little girl teaching me to be open with my feelings, "Mommy, I'm mad at you." "Mommy, you hurt my feelings." "Mommy, I'm sorry."  "Mommy, I'm sad." To the young woman of faith you have become, I have learned more from you than any other female in my life. Your example has made me kinder, more forgiving, more honest, has changed my faith walk, has increased my commitment to God and has changed how I see God and how I see myself.  Today, I make you the promise that as you grow, I will grow with you and remain teachable.

If I had to choose one word for what I've learned most from my children, I would say Caleb taught me to be brave and you taught me to be kind.  And I am so grateful.

You know that argument we have, "I love you more." "No, I love YOU more." Well, when you become a mom, you'll understand that I'll be winning that argument all your life.

If you're a mom (or dad!) and you've got it in your head that you'll teach more than learn as you parent, I just might have to disagree. Soak it in and grow with your sweet ones. It is the best thing.

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